Educator UDL Resources and PL

UDL is for all learners. If you work in education in New Brunswick—as an educator, lead/coach, or administrator—this page is for you. Here you'll find additional tools and information to support the implementation of UDL in your own practice and schools.

Start small. Choose one focus within the framework. Choose one focus within your practice. Enlist the involvement of other teachers and talk with each other about your experiences. Trade suggestions. Share successes. Watch for change.

Loui Lord Nelson, Design and Deliver: Planning and Teaching Using Universal Design for Learning (2nd Edition)

Lesson Design Resources

What are you looking to learn more about?

The Realization of UDL in NB

Check out the following resources:

UDL in Action/Classroom Models

Check out the following resources:

Lesson Designing/Planning with UDL

Check out the following resources. (Note that this list is not exhaustive.)

Applying UDL to Your Own Lessons

Plan and deliver a lesson with UDL in three stages:

  1. Proactive design
  2. Implementation
  3. Reflection and redesign

Use this step-by-step planner to walk through the process.

Templates for Lesson Design

The following exemplar templates can be downloaded and used freely. However, you may prefer to instead redesign your existing lesson plans with UDL in mind.

Learner Variability

Check out the following resources:

The Distinction Between UDL and Differentiation

Both UDL and differentiation are used as inclusive practices, but when and how do you know which one to use? Consider this distinction:

  • UDL is a proactive design approach, used to increase both student engagement and student agency. It's a Tier 1 support for universal instruction and universal accommodations. UDL should be embedded into Tier 2 and 3 supports, whereas in Tier 1, it's the proactive approach to lesson design/planning.
  • Differentiation is a strategy for identifying the needs of learners. The teacher uses the triangulation of data to provide support strategies, and it's a Tier 2 or 3 support.

Check out the following resources to learn more:

Blended Learning and UDL

Blended learning, which involves a combination of digital and face-to-face instruction and components, can help to address learner variability. For example, did you know that use of Microsoft TEAMS in a blended classroom can help with student participation in the learning process? Students can find dates, independently plan for projects, collaborate with others on assignments, and use accessibility tools. Before you create your own classroom website, you may wish to consider whether TEAMS might be a fit for you.

Check out the following resources to learn more about blended learning and UDL:

Positive Behavioural Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and UDL

Check out the following resources:

Equity and Antiracism and UDL

Check out the following resources:

Cultural and Linguistic Inclusion and UDL

Check out the following resources:

AI for Inclusive Lesson Design

Ludia Icon

Check out LUDIA, your AI-Powered UDL Partner.


Accessible formats provide multiple means of representation for all learners. Remember, what's essential for some is good for all! While accommodations will still be necessary for some learners, learning materials and environments should be accessible to all.

Check out the following resources to learn more:

Professional Learning Resources and Opportunities

Are you looking to connect with education professionals in NB about UDL?

Join our MS Teams Communities of Practice! We offer virtual sessions and information and resource sharing. Let's connect and keep your UDL learning journey going.

Email for access. We look forward to seeing you there!

Do you want your team to learn more about UDL?

Invite UDL practitioners to deliver professional learning sessions to all members of your district and/or school team. Email for further information. We look forward to connecting with you about professional learning opportunities.

NB Educators Using UDL